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HONDA,Honda,9.9 HP,Honda 9.9 HP,Local inquiries only please. Honda's 9.9HP is perfect for aluminum fishing boats, inflatables, sailboats, or as a "kicker" for larger fishing boats. With features that make starting easier, and control over your boat more complete, the 9.9HP will also make your time on the water more pleasurable. And because it's a Honda, you can expect long term durability and clean, quiet operation. **For a complete list of available Honda parts, please contact us at .** Accomodations: 0, Mechanical Equipment: 0, Galley: 0, Electonics and Navigational Gear: 0, Electrical System: 0, Deck and Hull Equipment: 0, Sails and Rigging: 0, Additional Equipment: 0,
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