2008 CHAPARRAL 330
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Address: Draper, UT | |
Body Style: Power | |
Item Class: Cruiser (power) | |
Fuel Type: Gas | |
Holding: 28 gals / 106 L | |
Horsepower: 750 | |
Hull Material: Fiberglass/Composite |
Propulsion Type: Twin | |
Water: 45 gals / 170 L | |
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35, New Demo with 20 hrs, full warranty, custom Quad axle trailer available, loaded with Twin Mercury 8.1's, generator, heat/air, windlass. Accomodations: Air Conditioning & Heating;Aft Cabin Bunk;Aft Cabin Privacy Door;Aft Cabin Vent Window;Cabin Entry Door;Cabin Floor Storage;Cabin Tables;Carbon Monoxide Detector;Cedar Lined Clothes Closet;Color Coordinated Cabin Fabrics;Dinette;Dinette Table;Drink Holders;Floor Liner;Forward Bulkhead;Forward Deck Hatches;Lighting;Lined Privacy Curtains;Main Cabin Television;Opening Cabin Port Lights;Storage;Trash Receptacle;Vinyl Headliner;Vinyl Soft Touch;Wood Flooring., Additional Equipment: Canvas Color Coordinated Canvas Package, Cockpit Cockpit Draining System, Cockpit Table, Deck Access, Deck Toe Rail, Diamond Pattern Non Skid, Drink Holders, Ice Chests, Lighting, Premium Sound System, Seating, Sirius Satellite Stereo, Struts, Swim Platform, Transom, Transom Gate, Transom Shower, Wet Bar, Windshield, Colors White Premium Gelcoat Hull, Dash Accessory Panels, Compass, DC Power Plug, Dash Panels, Digital Depth Indicator, Digital Instrumentation, Grounding Bars, Instrument Dimmer Switch, Loomed Wrapped Wiring, Power Steering, RayMarine VHF Radio, Steering Wheel, Throttle & Shifter Control, Tilt Steering Helm, Windshield Wiper, Galley Cabinet & Drawer, Coffee Maker, Countertop, DC Power Plug, Electric Stove, Galley, Microwave Oven, Refrigerator, Head Enclosed Fiberglass Head, Exhaust Fan, Lighting, Mirror, Opening Port Light, VacuFlush Head, Vanity, Utility Air Horn, Anchor Hull Guard, Anchor Roller, Battery Converter & Charger, Bilge Alarm, Bilge Blowers, Bilge Pumps, Boarding Ladder, Bow Rail, Cleats, Corrosion Protection System, Drain Plug, Electric Outlets, Electrical Connectors, Engine Compartment, Engine Room Lighting, Fire Extinguishing System, Foredeck Rails, Fuel Tank, Galvanic Isolator, Hardware, Hull, Jump Start System, Kelvar® Reinforced Hull Laminate, Kohler Gas Generator, Lifetime Limited Hull Warranty, NMMA Certified, Navigation Light, PVC Rubrail, Perma Panel Marine Coring, Premium Hydropel Resin, Quad Radial Lamination, Radar Arch, Remote Control Spotlight, Shower Power, Transom Stereo Remote, Trim Tab, Triple Battery Set Up, Water Heater, Windlass,
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