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2009 Nitro Z-8.
2009 Nitro Z-8
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Address: Park Hill, OK Body Style: Power
Item Class: Bassboat Beam: 8
Engine Model: 200L DFI OPTIMAX Fuel Type: Gas
Horsepower: 200
Hull Material: Fiberglass Reinforced
Propulsion Type: Single Outboard
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2009 Nitro Z-8 <!-- sad-b -->&#13;, Clearance - Don't Miss These Deals, &#13;<!-- sad-e -->&#13; The NITRO Z-8 performance bass boat is bringing the perfect mix of size, power and features to serious anglers everywhere. At 20' 1" long with a 96" beam, you're looking at a spacious, incredibly stable craft with huge casting decks. Plus, with a rating for as much as 250 horsepower, you'll find yourself quickly and easily getting up on plane and smoothly speeding to your next destination. And the Z-8 isn't just big in size and performance. From bow to stern, you'll find a long list of features and options perfect for tournament fishing or just a day of casting your cares away. This boat has huge storage compartments, including an illuminated one in the bow deck. There are rod lockers, 2 aerated Guardian&trade; livewells and a large bow panel with a trim switch and room for additional electronics. Plus, for maximum comfort and convenience, the NITRO Z-8 also has a bicycle seat at the bow, a folding fishing chair aft, a cooler under the step to the bow deck and even an anti-fatigue padded bow deck. And it all rides as well off the water as it does on, thanks to a custom-matched boat trailer that features GalvaShield corrosion protection and easy-to-maintain oil bath hubs. A genuine NITRO custom-matched boat cover is also available to protect your Z-8 from the elements., Electrical System: Two Interstate Heavy Duty Trolling Batteries 12-Volt Outlet Courtesy Light Bow Panel w/ Trolling Motor Receptacle, Anchor Light Switch, Trim Switch Onboard Battery Charger Navigational Lights Interstate Cranking Battery 1000 GPH Bilge Pump Lighted Bow and Rod Storage,
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