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2006 BAJA 30 OUTLAW.
More 2006 Baja 30's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models

Address: Green Bay, WI Body Style: Power
Item Class: High Performance Engine Model: Mercruiser
Fuel Type: Gas Horsepower: 425
Hull Material: Fiberglass/Composite
Propulsion Type: Twin I/O
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Photo #0046900A Photo #0046900B Photo #0046900C Photo #0046900D
Photo #0046900E Photo #0046900F
Cockpit CoverTrailer CoverDepth FinderFire Extinquishing SystemFume DetectorAC/DC RefrigeratorStainless SinkCustom Painted GraphicsDocking LightsUpgraded CD Player Additional Equipment: Cabin Features Bilge Pump, Automatic (500 GPH), Carbon Monoxide Monitor, Carpet (40 oz.), Galley Cabinet, Head, Lights, Courtesy, Seating, 7 ft. Convertible Lounge, Storage, Forward, Storage, Side Compartments, Storage, Side Shelves, Cockpit Features Cup Holders, Jumbo, Dash Console, Fiberglass, Door, Cabin Entry, Floor Liner, Fiberglass, Glove Box, Headrests, Integrated, Lighting, 12V, Receptacle, 12V, Seating, Bolsters (2), Seating, Rear Bench, Steps, Molded, Stereo, Performance System, Storage, Anchor & Rope Locker, Storage, Side Compartments (4), Sundeck, Padded, Upholstery, Vinyl (34 oz.), Control Station Controls, Performance, Horns, Hour Meters (2), Instrumentation, Steering Wheel, Custom, Steering, Power, Steering, Tilt, Switches, Rocker, Electrical Systems Accessory Panel, Battery Trays (2), Safety Switch, Engine 320 HP, Engine Compartment Bilge Pump, Automatic (1250 GPH), Blowers - 4", Engine Mounts, Exhaust, Thru-Hub, Hose Clamps, Lighting, 12V, Mercathode, Fuel System Fuel Cell (HDPE), Hull & Deck Features Bonding, Plexus, Bow & Stern Eyes, Bow Rail, Aluminum, Cleats, 6" Pull-Up, Cover, Shipping, Drain Plug, Garboard, End Grain Balsa Core Construction, Fasteners, Chrome-Plated, Gel-Coat, Premium, Grab Bars, Graphics, In-Gel, Hatches, Deck, Laminates, Bi-Axial, Latches, Lights, Navigational, Rub Rail, White Vinyl, Stringer System, Fully Bonded, Tie Bar, Vinylester Resin Barrier Coat, Windscreen, Plexi Venturi, Underwater Gear Propellers, Stainless Steel, Trim Tabs,
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